Content Marketing: Make it Visual

visual contentIn a world of high-speed information overload, visual impact has become a vital part of cutting through clutter and grabbing audience attention.  Words only play a part in creating successful content.  Their power coming into full effect once the audience is attracted and actively engaged in the content – drawn in by visual element such as images, graphic treatments and headlines.

Brain Power
This is largely because the brain can process visual content 60,000 faster than it can written content.  Humans are programmed to process the visual before the written.

Visual Content Explosion
In a recent study, Cisco said “video traffic will be 75 percent of global consumer internet traffic by 2017”.  Currently 37% of internet usage is made up of video streaming so it’s not hard to imagine the leap to 75%.

Paralleling the growth of video content are social media sites that focus on visual content such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Vine.  Visual content is increasingly being used to hook and engage audience, and to kick-start the content journey.

Statistics prove that content with visual and graphic elements generate up to 94% more views than if without.

So as you develop content, consider how you could enhance visual impact by developing some of these ideas:

  • Brand it: Create visual content with a signature brand look.  Establish brand content visual guidelines and stick to them – it will increase trust and credibility, but also as your audience scans they will evolve to instinctively respond to the balance and colours of your visuals.
  • Colour psychology: Visual elements can influence emotions.  For example colour psychology can be used to invoke a sense of calm (green), urgency (red) or happiness (yellow).
  • Trends:  There is a growing trend towards infographics with animated GIFs.  Something fresh is always trending, and it’s a good idea to keep up with things so you offer variety and keep your audience interested.
  • Images with headline overlays remain dominant: Explore these great sites to make your posts more professional.  and

And if doing all this in-house is simply too much, think about calling us for help with strategy and content creation.



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