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National Grid Metering
Internal Communications ← Back to the portfolio

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Over the last year, National Grid Metering have made several significant improvements to their systems, benefitting staff and customers alike. Taken with an interactive presentation we gave at a ‘Winners Workshop’ hosted by the Institute of Internal Communication, the Communications Consultant heading up National Grid Metering’s Transformation Programme enlisted our help in communicating these changes firstly to their staff and then to their customers.



Working with the Internal Communications team at NGM, we reviewed the material that needed to be shared with staff, extracting key messages and brainstorming ways we could tell this story in a visually engaging way. In the end we created a Prezi with a clear narrative, a light touch and a distinct visual identity. Against the landscape backdrop of the ‘mountains of metering’ we took staff on a journey through Spring and Summer, directed by roadside sign-posts and stopping off at various points along the way to hear from NGM customers and other staff members.

For our second Prezi, our source material was a dense spreadsheet explaining the 8 stages of the process NGM customers would be using the new customer portal for. The subject matter was considerably dryer than for the staff Prezi, the information far more pragmatic. Also, as the Prezi was required for a date ahead of the system going live, we had no choice but to put it together with very little idea of what the portal would look like on screen. Undeterred by the challenge we set to work to design a presentation that would illustrate the new process and the benefits to the customer in a way that held our audience’s attention. We established a clear structure and used bold colours and block graphics of screens and pipework to create visual interest, creating a background graphic that when zoomed out to, would remind customers of ‘the big picture’.

<b>National Grid Metering</b> <br />Internal Communications
<b>National Grid Metering</b> <br />Internal Communications
CW Content Works