Leica Microsystems
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Leica Microsystems is a world-leading manufacturer of highly specialised optical microscopes and cameras for use in scientific research, medicine and industry. The business operates in 100 countries globally and the sales process is lengthy and complex. Early in 2013 the company invested in 4G equipped iPads for its entire sales force so they could demonstrate interactive and innovative product information to impress prospective customers.
The opportunity to use the tablets as an internal communication platform was quickly identified and CW was invited to created a suitable channel to deliver news in the form of written articles, images, graphics, movies, audio files, PDFs, Powerpoints, links to intranet pages and external websites. A further requirement was that the content should be accessible to all employees in the business – not just the sales teams with their iPads – so it had to be easily viewed on laptops, desktops and Smartphones too.
Our approach was to ensure the available technology was used to enhance the content – not overwhelm it. A design was developed and signed off that embraced Leica’s corporate guidelines but was not straitjacketed by them; and rich content was gathered and created that could be effortlessly streamed to the various viewing devices through the online newsletter.
A number of technical solutions were investigated including apps, but the chosen platform was an HTML-based responsive design microsite which proved the most effective to ensure as many people across the business as possible could access the content. When it was ready to launch, an HTML-email from the managing director was sent to all employees with a few content teasers and a link to a secure log in page.
One of the great things about an online communication channel is the speed and accuracy of the feedback – realtime data can be monitored and acted upon as required. Within 72 hours of Connect going live, 74% of employees had logged in and 100% had visited every page – an outstanding statistic! A further email was then sent out reminding all employees to check the link which resulted in a further 15% take up…and again they all visited every page.
Baba Awopetu, Leica Microsystems European Marketing Director, commented: “These overall results were better than we expected for our first edition so we are well pleased. In some cases it was surprising to see what content readers lingered over longer and this information will help shape our future thinking – making sure we include the type of stories that we know are popular, but also working harder to make important but less read content more engaging.”